Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At each year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service to the neighbourhood house were thanked by the Board of Directors.
This year, we recognize and celebrate Karen Wong for 15 years of service. Here’s what Renuka Bhardwaj, CNH Preschool Coordinator, had to say about Karen:

Currently working in administration support for CNH’s preschool and early learning care programs, Karen is a hardworking, reliable and passionate individual. She is especially great with children with special needs. I still remember she went back to school to get her special needs certification so she could support a particular child in our preschool.
Karen is also an executive member of the Vancouver branch of Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) and is always ready to help her coworkers.
Karen loves the family-friendly environment of CNH, which made her stay at CNH for over 15 years. She initially moved to another neighbourhood house but decided to come back because she loves CNH.
When I asked Karen about her favourite work-related memory, she said, “I love spending time with all the great colleagues every day. On graduation day, seeing children getting ready to move on to the next stage is a very special experience. I love our Pro-D outings.”
Thank you, Karen!
To learn about current career opportunities at CNH, visit