Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and, for the first time in CNH’s history, 30 years of service and dedication to the neighbourhood house, were thanked by the Board of Directors.
This year, we recognize and celebrate Diana Taykandy, Operations Child Care Program Coordinator, for 25 years of service.
Diana was born and bred in East Vancouver. She attended Capilano College (now University) to study Early Childhood Education (ECE). In early 1995, Diana was sought out by a former director to be on the team that would bring more licensed childcare to the Renfrew Collingwood community-offsite and then the programs at the Main House on Joyce Street just in 1995 alone… And there has been a steady stream of more programs over the years! Her fondest memory at Collingwood was overseeing the opening of Sarah House and Duke St and how rewarding that was.
Diana’s role as a coordinator is to oversee the operational pieces of the programs, to ensure the delivery of quality experiences in our child care programs. One of Diana’s many strengths is working with staff to create plans for children who require extra support in the programs. Her education and experience in special needs care, enables her to think outside the box and plan for children’s success no matter their ability. We are fortunate to have this expertise on the child care team and many children over the years have benefitted from this.
She has always given her time willingly to CNH – participating in the Health and Safety Committee, arranging countless staff professional development opportunities and helping out with other CNH events. Her passion for quality childcare never wanes and after a trip to Reggio Emilia in 2018 for professional development, Diana was a great resource in supporting staff to implement ideas and changes to programs to ensure CNH continues to be highly regarded in the field of Early Childhood Education. Her ability to speak Italian was also most helpful!
Diana puts her longevity at CNH down to the people she works with and notes that the community is special and CNH provided her with flexibility while raising her family.
Her commitment to CNH and the ECE profession is truly commendable. Thank you, Diana, for your many years of service and congratulations!