Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and, for the first time in CNH’s history, 30 years of service and dedication to the neighbourhood house, were thanked by the Board of Directors.

Ram started working at Collingwood Neighbourhood House in 1999 as a casual. She worked at various locations within Collingwood before becoming a permanent staff at Grenfell School Age Child Care in 2008, where she still is today! In 2009, Ram received her School Age Child Care certificate through Douglas College. Ram and her husband of 40 years have four children and four grandchildren.

You will often find Ram playing UNO, Go Fish, Candy Land or another game with the children. Her quiet, easy-going nature is welcomed by both the children in her care and her co-workers. Ram genuinely cares about the children in her care – whether laughing at their jokes, reminding them of rules while playing games, or helping them talk through conflicts that arise – and encourages the children to care as well.

Ram is an amazing human being, and we are blessed at Collingwood to have had her here for the last 20 years!

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