Please note, programs are subject to change or cancellation. For assistance, call 604-435-0323.

Collingwood Days: ⁠FilCan Book Fest & Massy Arts Society

Join us in celebration of the inaugural Filipino-Canadian Book Festival July 12-14, 2024, in partnership with Massy Books, Filipinx Pages and Sampaguita Press and guest Keynote Catherine Hernandez.

4:00 Welcome & Opening Ceremony: with Knowledge Keeper Audrey Siegl

4:30 Youth-Led Event: Join us for an inspiring evening at the Filipino-Canadian Book Festival’s Youth-Led Event: Voices of the Future. This event is dedicated to showcasing the incredible work and creativity of Filipinx youth, providing them with a platform to share their wisdom, collective power, and their talents.

6:10-8:15 Magdaragat Open Mic: Author Meet & Greet / Book Signing Come join us for a reading night featuring authors from “Magdaragat: An Anthology of Filipino-Canadian Writing.” and celebrate the authors that appear in this landmark anthology!

8:00-8:15 Informal Closing for the Day


Jul 12 2024


4:00 pm – 8:00 pm




CNH Annex
3690 Vanness Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R 5B6

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