What We Do
Youth Services offers a range of programs, activities and resources for children and youth between the ages of 10-24.
For more information, call CNH reception at 604-435-0323. Follow our Youth team on Instagram @cnhyouth or visit cnhyouth.com for additional programming.

Ongoing Programs
All Genders Group
Taking a spin on the idea of a traditional “Girl’s Group” and/or “Boys Group”, All Genders is a weekly youth group for gender diverse youth and their allies to come and learn about various topics in a safe and inclusive space. Each Tuesday, participants will meet up and engage in activities and discussions on a wide range of topics, via a 2SLGBTQ+ lens. Throughout the year, the group will also work on 2SLGBTQ+ projects in and around the CNH neighbourhood.
Contact: Maxx Sadler, msadler@cnh.bc.ca
Indigenous Youth C.R.E.W. (Ages 10-24)
C.R.E.W. (Culture, Recreation, Education and Work) offers Indigenous youth aged 10-24 opportunities to participate in supportive social activities and cultural exploration. This includes outdoor activities, canoe and water safety skills, leadership experience, increased cultural knowledge, and opportunities to socialize with Indigenous youth and adult role models.
Contact: 604-726-CREW (2739) or email Verna Kate Smith (vksmith@cnh.bc.ca) or Eileen Tann (etann@cnh.bc.ca)
Peer 2 Peer
Peer 2 Peer is a youth-guided program aimed at improving the health and wellness of youth in Renfrew-Collingwood. Through a peer education and mentorship model, participants explore a wide range of health and wellness topics through a social justice lens, and develop the skills needed to share what they have learned with their peers and larger community. We hope to equip youth with the information, resources, support, and tools needed to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Contact: Maja Kovac, mkovac@cnh.bc.ca
Windermere Community School Teams
Our team works with community partner organizations to provide out-of-school-time programs at Windermere Secondary and local feeder elementary schools (Graham Bruce, Collingwood, Grenfell, Nootka, Norquay, and Renfrew). Programs include but are not limited to sports, literacy, arts and culture, food and nutrition, social emotional skills, environmental stewardship, global citizenship and leadership development. Programs are low-cost, participation-based, and inclusive.
Contact: Alyse Alaouze, 604-713-5885 or aalaouze@vsb.bc.ca
Youth Centre
Fridays and Saturdays, 4-8 pm
e Youth Centre o”ers a variety of activities for
participants on Friday evenings. #is includes gym and kitchen time with various activities such as sports, art and crafts, wellness activities, co-operative games and volunteer skill development workshops. Requires a membership of $10/year.
Contact: Tanya Findlater, 604-435-0323 ext. 262 or tfindlater@cnh.bc.ca.
Youth Council
The CNH Youth Council offers youth an opportunity to be engaged leaders in their community. Members plan and organize community activities and projects and contribute to a community vision to support the health, well-being and development of youth.
Contact: Sanjeev Karwal at 604-412-3844 or skarwal@cnh.bc.ca.
Youth Settlement Services
We offer a range of programs aimed at younger newcomers and immigrants.
- Robert Moya, 778-986- 9142 or rmoya@cnh.bc.ca
- Mylene Mendaros, 778-636-5722 or mmendaros@cnh.bc.ca
Funded by the Settlement Program– Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada.