Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service to the neighbourhood house were thanked by the Board of Directors.

This year, we recognize and celebrate Walda Gorn for 25 years of service. Here’s what Diana Taykandy, Operations Child Care Program Manager, had to say about Walda:

Walda began her journey at CNH just over 25 years ago. In 1997, she started as a practicum student in our preschool program. Once she completed her Early Childhood Educator (ECE) coursework, she returned to CNH to complete 500 hours of volunteer work to obtain her license to practice in childcare. At this time, Walda volunteered in both of our preschool and infant/toddler programs.

Eventually, a part-time position became available in our infant/toddler centre and Walda applied. With her experience at CNH, it was no surprise she was hired for the role. Shortly after, a full-time position opened with our childcare team and for years, Walda worked happily in the infant/toddler program, learning, growing and always caring for our under-threes. Over time, it became clear that Walda was continuously willing to learn, discover and improve her programs. She was also keen on honing her own skills and knowledge in the industry.

In 2013, Walda became a program coordinator at CNH and that’s where we still find her. We are so fortunate that Walda did all her early learnings with us. Today, Walda works with eight educators in the infant/toddler program, most of whom have been working together for many years. Needless to say, a team working together as long as they have, share a special connection.

When asked what made Walda stay with us for so many years, her initial response was that she loved the team she worked with. Ultimately, Walda says she felt (and still feels) that CNH is her place. Walda also lives nearby and has been a part of the local community for a long time. In fact, Walda’s family has spent time helping in both our infant/toddler program and CNH as well. Walda’s husband, for example, has supported our childcare centres by doing odd jobs, such as painting, pressure washing and building furniture. Additionally, he has always been a huge support to Walda, who in turn is always looking out for the very best in her programs.

Walda is dedicated and self-motivated, which is only part of what makes her the special person she is today. It has been a pleasure working with her all these years and we look forward to many more. (We are not kidding, Walda says her future plans are to continue working at CNH.)

Thank you, Walda, for all that you do every day. We are so fortunate to have had your entire career take place at CNH!

To learn about current career opportunities at CNH, visit

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