Seniors & Older Adults (55+)

What We Do

Social and recreational programs and services for older adults and seniors that support mental, social and physical well-being. From nutritious meals to housekeeping and in-person and online meetups, there is something for everyone! New participants are always welcome.

Many programs are free unless indicated. Registration is required.

For more information, call 604-435-0323 or email

Available Services

Providing support in maintaining independence through various services catered to seniors and older adults aged 55+.

Better at Home

Helping seniors and older adults continue to live independently and stay connected to their community by providing simple, non-medical home support services at a low cost.

Grocery shopping

Our grocery shopping program provides a supported shopping service to older residents in Renfrew-Collingwood. Each week, participants receive a call to place an order through our partner, Save-On Foods. Orders are delivered directly to participants.

Participants must be 55+ and live in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood. Orders require a minimum spend of $40 each and can be paid with cash, cheque or credit card.

Gurjap Kaur, 604-435-0375 or


Under the Better at Home Program, we provide light housekeeping services to older residents in Renfrew-Collingwood. Each home is assigned one regular housekeeper who builds a long-term relationship with the client.

Included Services
General cleaning, laundry, making beds and removing garbage.

Not Included
Medical, personal, pet and plant care are not included. Our housekeepers do not declutter, perform deep cleaning or provide companionship or grocery shopping services.

Eligibility & Cost
We are currently accepting referrals for our waitlist. Participants must be 55+ and live in the Renfrew-Collingwood catchment. Housekeeping is $25/hour (min. 2 hours) or $50/visit*.

*Subsidized rates are lower. To be eligible for a subsidy, participants must provide a copy of their most recent tax assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency.

Susanna Chu, 604-435-0375 or

Shuttle trips

Every second Friday of the month from 9 am to 2 pm. Join us as we explore a different attraction in Greater Vancouver each month!

Eligibility & Cost
Participants must be 55+ and live in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood. Trips change every month and new participants receive priority. Fees are based on a sliding scale, ranging from free to $10.

Monica Cervantes, 604-435-0375 or

Walking Club

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 am at CNH Main House (5288 Joyce St). Free.

The Better at Home Walking Club provides an opportunity for seniors and older adults to exercise, socialize and meet new people. We meet in the lobby at Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) and walk around the neighbourhood on Mondays. On Wednesdays, we make special trips to explore areas further away.

For questions, call Susanna Chu at 604-435-0375 or email

Funded by the Government of British Columbia and managed by the United Way.

Information & Referral

By appointment only

One-to-one information, referral and personal advocacy support for seniors and older adults in:

  • Navigating public systems (i.e. federal or provincial benefits, housing, transportation, finances, legal, income tax, health, employment, etc.)
  • Form-filling services (i.e., OAS, GIS, CPP, SAFER, MSP, BC Bus Program for Seniors, BC Housing, etc.)
  • Accessing community-based services
  • Raising awareness of, and advocating for, available community-based resources and health services

One-on-One Tech Support

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1-4 pm (by appointment only)

For seniors who need help with any of their devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers, our friendly volunteer specialists are happy to provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is a structured way of bridging between health and social services by supporting adults aged 55+ in Renfrew-Collingwood to local, non-clinical services
to holistically address their needs. CNH staff work close with each senior to develop and implement a wellness plan, based on the senior’s needs and goals, and by connecting
them to local supports


Reading Circle & Book Club

Facilitated by volunteers, adults and seniors engage in meaningful conversations while improving their vocabulary, speaking, and listening skills. Participants connect with other community members to discuss books, build healthy relationships, learn from one another, exchange reading recommendations, and enhance their diverse literacy skills.


Ongoing Programs

CNH is pleased to offer weekly and monthly programs that promote social wellness, physical activity and more!

Birthday & Bingo

First Monday of the month, 1:30-2:30 pm (except on statutory holidays)

Join us at the CNH Main House to celebrate participants’ birthdays with delicious cakes and then play bingo games led by volunteers.

Coffee Social

Thursdays, 10:15-11:15 am

Each week, seniors and older adults are welcome to meet their neighbours in a relaxed social setting at the CNH Main House. Participants often form close ties with each other and develop a sense of belonging. Light refreshments are provided.


Second Monday of the month, 1:15-3:30 pm (except on statutory holidays)

Older adults build connections through
music! Participants enjoy karaoke in the
multipurpose room. Volunteer hosts find music online for seniors to sing songs for fun in any language. Includes light refreshments.


CNH offers recreation and leisure programs for people of all ages and ability levels. We aim to provide a balance of activities that are inclusive and promote health and quality of life for local residents.

All programs are offered as drop-ins unless noted otherwise. For additional savings, program passes are available for adult and senior recreation programs.

Social Club

Last Monday of the month, 1:30-3 pm (except on statutory holidays)

The CNH 55+ Social Club offers older adults a place to play and connect on the last Monday of each month. Play cards, learn mah jong, or enjoy a volunteer-led craft activity in our
multipurpose room. Or just relax and chat over coffee and refreshments. Throughout the year, we also offer workshops and special events. Here, seniors can find a warm, welcoming place to forge a solid social network.

Walking Club

Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:30 am (except on statutory holidays)

Seniors meet in the lobby of the CNH main house on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Monday is for a short walk nearby, and Wednesday is for longer walks/day trips by public transit. Dress for the weather and bring a packed lunch with you when needed. For details about the walking routes, please see the monthly calendar in the CNH lobby.

World Café

Third Monday of the month, 1:30-2:30 pm (except on statutory holidays)

Guided by a volunteer host, seniors discuss current topics and exchange ideas and stories.