What We Do
Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) offers programming for Indigenous participants and families of all ages.
For more information, call 604-435-0323.

Ongoing Programs
Amlat’si Indigenous Family Drop-in
For parents, grandparents, and caregivers with Indigenous children 0 – 6 years old. Focus is on creating a sense of belonging and community for young Indigenous children, their families and for developing their relationships to their community. Children and parents make new friends, learn positive ways to support each other and learn new Indigenous-focused crafts, stories and games. Activities include playing, outings, workshops, guest speakers and traditional arts- and-craft activities.
Contact: Eileen Tann, 604-726-2739
Cedar Carving (All Ages)
Join us for our weekly cedar carving program. This program is free with priority for Indigenous youth, elders and families.
Tuesdays, 5-7 pm at CNH Joyce.
Indigenous Youth C.R.E.W. (Ages 10-24)
C.R.E.W. (Culture, Recreation, Education and Work) offers Indigenous youth aged 10-24 opportunities to participate in supportive social activities and cultural exploration. This includes outdoor activities, canoe and water safety skills, leadership experience, increased cultural knowledge, and opportunities to socialize with Indigenous youth and adult role models.
Contact: 604-726-CREW (2739) or email Verna Kate Smith (vksmith@cnh.bc.ca) or Eileen Tann (etann@cnh.bc.ca)
Norquay Community Food Forest
Our Food Justice team supports and stewards the Norquay Community Food Forest, a hidden gem nestled between houses at 2732 Horley St. It is home to a variety of fruit-bearing, edible and medicinal native plants, as well as a composter, swing and seating area for events and workshops.
Contact: Eileen Tann, 604-726-2739