Two people stand together underneath a white tent outside holding strawberries and celery as they smile towards the camera

Food Justice

What We Do

Led by the Renfrew-Collingwood Food Justice (RCFJ) team, food programs at Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) strive to promote learning and leadership around sustainable growing, local food, multicultural food traditions, and healthy eating in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood.

To learn more, call 604-435-0323 or email Follow RCFJ on Instagram @rencollfood or sign up for email updates.

Community Development at CNH

Food justice initiatives are part of the Community Development Department at CNH. If you live in Renfrew-Collingwood and have ideas on how to improve your community or are passionate about community issues, we can help with:

  • Information on local opportunities and initiatives
  • Connection to neighbours who share your interests
  • Leadership and skill development
  • Assistance with community resources

What is “community development?”

Community development is a process where people come together to take action on what’s important to them. Community Development helps communities to organize, and to identify the issues they want to address, or the opportunities they want to explore.

Two volunteers in the Norquay Food Forest. One volunteer is holding a pitchfork and looking at a black cat resting on the ground. A volunteer is in the background kneeling and weeding plants.

Food Hub Programs

Community Care Harvest Box (CCHB) & Market

The Community Care Harvest Box (CCHB) is a subscription to a local farm’s harvests from spring to fall. The cost of a harvest box helps to subsidize subscriptions for low-income participants. Additionally, we host a small market with a pay-what-you-can table for individuals who have not subscribed to the harvest box. 

Community Fridge & Pantry

We have an outdoor community fridge and pantry to offer accessible, free and healthy food to all community members. The fridge is located outside the front entrance of CNH Main Site. There is no judgement, or policing of community members because the food is for everyone.

Free Food Program

Thursdays, 12 – 1 pm

Each Thursday, we host the food drop program at CNH. This initiative is designed to assist local residents who require food support. This is a no-cost program with no registration or ID required.

Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program (FMNCP)

The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program is a healthy eating initiative that supports farmers’ markets and strengthens food security across British Columbia. CNH participates by providing coupons to lower income families, pregnant people and seniors. Coupons can be spent at BC Farmers’ Markets that participate in the coupon program, and can be used to purchase vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy, herbs, vegetable and fruit plants, honey, meat and fish.

Food Land Programs

Cheyenne Community Garden & Collingwood Community Garden

Cheyenne Community Garden plots & Collingwood Garden plots are rented out to local residents in the neighbourhood and gardens act as community gathering spaces to foster community food security. Cheyenne Garden is located at 2755 Cheyenne Ave and the Collingwood Garden is located under the Joyce-Collingwood Skytrain station on Vanness Ave.

To join the waitlist for a community garden plot, email Ingrid Figueroa at

Norquay Community Food Forest

RCFJ supports and stewards the Norquay Community Food Forest. The Food Forest is a hidden gem nestled between houses at 2732 Horley St. It is home to a variety of fruit-bearing, edible, and medicinal native plants as well as a composter, a swing, and a seating area for events and workshops.

CNH Rooftop Garden

The rooftop garden at CNH is embellished with a community mosaic and is home to raised beds growing a variety of vegetables, fruit, native plants and herbs. Many of these vegetables and herbs are used in community lunch and sold at the pay-what-you-can table during our summer market. Currently, drop-ins are closed due to renovations.

Food Literacy & Connections

Community Food Advisory Committee

Join a dedicated group of local volunteers for bi-monthly conversations about food justice, advocacy and community meetings. For more information, contact Ryan Ng at or fill out an application form (via Google Forms).

Community Kitchen for Newcomers

Explore collective cooking, learn from neighbours, and share food traditions through this monthly program every last Wednesday of the month. Registration required and priority is given to newcomers to Canada (received Permanent Resident status within the last 5 years). For more information, contact Ryan Ng at

Community Lunch

Tuesday & Thursdays, 12:15 – 1:30 pm

Join us at the CNH Main Site for a three-course meal, which offers a nutritious, healthy and affordable option for lunch. Meals are prepared by our community kitchen chef and a regular group of volunteers.

Food Skills Workshops

We offer a variety of food skills workshops throughout the year. Learn how to make pickles and preserves, kimchi, fresh bread, and more! Workshop dates and costs vary.

Joyce Street Action Network

Have an eye for urban food planning and a passion for cultural food assets? Join this dynamic coalition of community organizations, students, unions, and neighbours advocating for cultural food assets and anti-gentrification along Joyce Street.