CNH staff Satinder smiles in the CNH Family Place room

Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and, for the first time in CNH’s history, 30 years of service and dedication to the neighbourhood house, were thanked by the Board of Directors.

This year, we recognize and celebrate Satinder Kaur Singh, Family Services Coordinator, for over 30 years of service.

Satinder has been a permanent fixture in the history of Family Place and is the longest-serving staff member at CNH. After arriving in Canada in the summer of 1990, Satinder came to CNH looking for childcare for her school-aged children. She ended up volunteering at reception then got hired to train as a facilitator for the Nobody’s Perfect parenting program and was amongst the first batch of trainees. She then became hired for the Family Place program and assistant teacher at the LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program and organized a babysitting co-op, in addition to community dinners.

Satinder’s favourite memory of CNH is the ground laying ceremony of our present building at 5288 Joyce Street. She says she was very excited about the brand new building where her programs would have a permanent space under one roof as prior to that, the Family Place was running in the basement of Carleton Elementary school and the other programs were spread out in the community.

Over her 30 years in the program, Satinder has been a part of thousands of children and families’ lives. Multi-generations of families have returned to the program because of her. Her kind, warm and welcoming approach has ensured that the experiences families have at the Family Place at CNH are always fondly remembered and we know there are many, many families who hold Satinder dearly in their hearts.

What an amazing accomplishment to devote your career to providing quality care and programming to families from every walk of life.

Thank you, Satinder, and many congratulations on this milestone!

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